By making use of the strong bound quantum dot model and neglecting the effects of impurity on electron wave function , this thesis is also reported how to use the spin of nuclear as the quantum bit 利用强束缚量子点模型,忽略杂质对于电子波函数的影响,我们还讨论了如何利用核自旋构造量子位。我们计算了垂直耦合量子点中电子和核子的超精细相互作用。
When the plane wave returns and crosses the molecule , it produces an interference pattern with the stationary part of the electron wave function , like two trains of water waves crossing and forming a checkerboard disturbance 一旦平面波折返并横越过分子,它便会与待在轨道上的电子波产生干涉图样,就像是两道水波相遇所形成的西洋棋盘般明暗交错的扰动。
The effect of impurity on the electron wave function has calculated , it shows that for the perpendicular magnetic field and the strong bound potential of the quantum dot the effect of impurity on the electron wave function can be neglected 我们计算了杂质对电子波函数的影响,结果表明对于强磁场下的强束缚势量子点,杂质对于电子波函数的影响可以忽略。